This is step by step tutorial glu 3d.

1.       Create – geometry – glu 3d pouring system.
2.       Object Type ( glu3D )
3.       Modify, delete mesh  ( floor glu3d )
4.       Make teapot. Create – Standart Primitives – Teapot radius 0,789m segment 9. Don’t make spout and lid, Position teapot x -0,012m  y.-0,339m  z,-0,0m.
5.       Make target camera .create – cameras – target x-3,966m y-3,734m  z 3,169m lens 43,456 mm FOV 45,0.deg
6.       Animation Control for glu3d. per-object params  pick  teapot , klik apply and check box for collide.
7.       Setting up for glu3d animation. Modify – glu 3d set for : scale = 1,9.  Drop size = 4,4. Surface LOD 36,9 . Melting 3,2 . Shrink wrap 0,4 . Adherence = 0,33.  To set, Mesher controller start @ = 0 . stop@ frame = 100.
8.       Setting up for animation frame . in time Configuration set, animation start time 0. Length 200 . end time 200. Klik ok.
9.       Klik, GO. And wait…frame 0 – 200.
10.   In view Glu3d Toolbar klik Build Surface meshes for the range defined in the Mesher Controller section of the Glu3D main node. And wait … frame 0 – 200.
11.   Set view render frame 103 / 200.
12.   Render.
13.   Make material in render,.. teapot mental ray material ( arch + design ) color R.1,0 G.1,0 B.1,0 and material glu 3d R.0,051 G.0,031 B.0,0.
14.   Make lighting .use, omni light multipler 0,205. Position x -13,716m y 15,924m z 0,625m. shadows on. And use free light. Shadows on. Intensity / color / attenuation, Kelvin 20000,0. Intensity ,lm 600000,0.
15.   Background only view .
16.   Render. 
