In this tutorial we will create a rusted metal material shader, let's get started, ..
first prepared, .. setting material as follows:
Make a mixture of materials vray, make arrangements for,
1. Diffuse color 185, 135, 15
2. Reglect color 40, 40, 40
3. Refl. glossiness 7
4. subdivisions 15
5. BRDF - ward
6. Bump map - noise (if the image has a scale of 1: 1000 mm unit to unit, then use the size of the noise 60. The noise parameters,)
This results in the next step as below,
In this tutorial we will create a rusted metal material shader, let's get started, ..
first prepared, .. setting material as follows:
Make a mixture of materials vray, make arrangements for,
1. Diffuse color 185, 135, 15
2. Reglect color 40, 40, 40
3. Refl. glossiness 7
4. subdivisions 15
5. BRDF - ward
6. Bump map - noise (if the image has a scale of 1: 1000 mm unit to unit, then use the size of the noise 60. The noise parameters,)
This results in the next step as below,
Use a plane Vray and vray light, then render it back, then the following , ...
continue to make rust material, in the first slot of mantle material, use of materials vray materials, with the following specifications:
1. Diffuse color - use the diffuse color (JPEG, the file below.)
2. Reflection color - 10, 10, 10
3. Refl. Glossiness - 65
4. Subdivisions - 15
5. Bump color - use the bump color (JPEG, below)
1. Diffuse color - use the diffuse color (JPEG, the file below.)
2. Reflection color - 10, 10, 10
3. Refl. Glossiness - 65
4. Subdivisions - 15
5. Bump color - use the bump color (JPEG, below)
If you go beyond all of this step rendering the results below,
Now the two ingredients blend well between metal and metal rust, but rust is not enough if the material is set to a material that does not rust and, using materials BLEND select folder jpeg below give values below 100 on the slot size,
If the value of the mask material terlampui to render extensive rust material will appear below,
Now we already have the ingredients for rusty metal, let's use the model we have like lighting the ship, as below,
provide further materials that we make to the model, adjust the light settings in vray lights, and rendering it will appear as follows,
Thus this tutorial, if you want to have all the model files or rusty metal material, please, ...
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