making of Easter egg model

making of Easter egg model
I'll make it look easy to you, let's get started.

make the object.
1. Create - Standard Primitives - sphere.
2. Sphere 01 - Modify - Edit mesh.

3. Sphere 01 - Modify - Smooth Turbo

4. Sphere 01 - clone x 3

make plane.
1. Create - Geometry - Standard Primitives - plane.
2. plane - Modify - hair and fur (WSM).
3. Modify - hair and fur (WSM), tools, click presets load and click
    tall grass (Breeze).

 4. Modify Plane - general parameters, settings like this.
 5. Modify Plane - Material Parameters, settings like this.
 6. plane - modifier list - hair and fur (WSM) - styling, click style hair - styling, click rotate, make-rotate at    the object.
 make light

1. create - light - omni - Intensity / color 1.0 color attenuation multiplier R.255 G.217 B.116.

 make material

1. Material Editor - click on the standard, architectural use of plastic materials, setting like this. Map make use diffuse paint.

 when all the step, is not passed then use Scanline rendering, as follows below.

I hope you enjoy..

